Veterans groups call for VA secretary s resignation following inspector general report Print this article
All six major veterans advocacy groups are calling for the resignation of the secretary of Veterans Affairs after the department s inspector general released a report accusing him of botching an investigation into an allegation of sexual assault at a VA hospital.
On Saturday, the American Legion and Vietnam Veterans of America joined Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, and AMVETS in calling for Secretary Robert Wilkie to resign.
The report, released on Thursday, said that a female veteran accused a contractor at the Washington, D.C., VA Medical Center of assaulting her while she was waiting for an appointment. She said he bumped his entire body against mine and told me I looked like I needed a smile and a good time.
Watchdog says Veterans Affairs secretary openly questioned credibility of House aide who reported sexual assault at hospital Author: Lisa Rein, Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post Updated: December 10, 2020 Published December 9, 2020
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Print article WASHINGTON - Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie and his senior leaders openly questioned the credibility of a House aide who reported a sexual assault at the agency’s flagship hospital in the District of Columbia, denigrating her and ascribing political motives to her claim, a report released Thursday found. The tone Wilkie set with his senior staff and with reporters influenced the investigation into the veteran’s claim - and led to the agency’s failure to improve an inhospitable environment for women at the D.C. Medical Center, Inspector General Michael Missal found.
Investigators blast VA secretary’s ‘unprofessional’ behavior but find no evidence of crimes December 10, 2020 Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a Cabinet Meeting in the White House on May 19, 2020. (Evan Vucci/AP) After a nearly year-long investigation, Veterans Affairs investigators failed to confirm explosive charges that Secretary Robert Wilkie led a criminal campaign to discredit a veteran who reported a sexual assault at a department medical center. But investigators still blasted senior VA leadership for working to attack critics rather than pursue reforms. “The tone set by Secretary Wilkie was at minimum unprofessional and at worst provided the basis for senior officials to put out information to national reporters to question the credibility and background of the veteran who filed the sexual assault complaint,” the report from the VA Inspector General’s office stated.