Littering, traffic and damage among worries expressed about future of Curragh Plains
Consultation results are released );
Kildare locals have expressed their concerns about littering and traffic on the Curragh, as well as traffic and damage to grasslands by vehicles and animals. They are also worried about the condition of buildings and infrastructure on the historic plains.
Almost 3,700 people recently made submissions to the public consultation on the future of the Curragh, according to Senator Fiona O Loughlin. Responses to the consultation will help develop policies on its future management.
According to Sen O Loughlin, a lack of facilities was also raised as a big issue, particularly in terms of parking, seating and bins. The management of the plains was criticised generally, in terms of litter and upkeep, and also in terms of the lack of enforcement and issues over user conflict.
Student nurse payments welcomed by Laois Kildare Senator
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Student nurses and midwives are set to receive a backdated promised Pandemic Placement Grant of €100 per week by 1 June, according to Senator Fiona O’Loughlin.
The payment applies for weeks when the students in question were on placement in health care settings during the pandemic, and was recommended in a review by Professor Tom Collins.
Senator O’Loughlin who represents the Kildare South constituency which covers Portarlington in Laois, praised the students for overcoming unprecedented challenges posed by Covid-19 during their studies.
She confirmed that that the payment for the relevant placement weeks would be backdated to September of last year.
Derrintirun Waste Water Treatment Plant to be upgraded
The Derrinturn Waste Water Treatment Plant is to be upgraded.
This is one of the approved projects under Irish Water’s Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme (STVGP).
“The upgrade will take place at the existing site to provide additional capacity for growth,” said Senator Fiona O’Loughlin.
“There is limited project information at this time as this is the selection process stage and all projects below will now go through detailed design and costings. Further communications on the projects will follow at a later date.”
The purpose of the STVGP is to provide funding for water and wastewater treatment plant growth capacity in smaller settlements which would not otherwise be provided for in Irish Water’s 2020-2024 Capital Investment Plan. The STVGP is focused on supporting growth in areas already served by IW infrastructure where current or future capacity deficits have been identified.
First-class train carriage upgrade as Irish Rail lets historic Laois station go to rack and ruin
Irish Rail is set to spend big money on upgrading the first-class carriages on its trains while historic buildings at one of its busiest train stations in Laois that is crumbling into ruins.
The decrepit state of Portarlington s train station has been highlighted on the same day as the company which owns the property invited firms to bid for the contract to upgrade first-class on its services.
Senator Fiona O Loughlin raised the concern over what she described as the shocking disrepair of the railway building at the station in the Laois Offaly border town.