The UN agency is seeking $38 million to continue work in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan.
Without this support, 28 aircraft that patrol the skies to spot and spray swarms could be grounded as early as March.
No time for complacency
Dominique Burgeon, FAO’s Director of Emergencies and Resilience, said the huge desert locust swarms in 2020, some as wide as 60 kilometres, had not been seen in decades, threatening food security in a region where many were already going hungry.
Surveillance and response led to 1.6 million hectares of land being treated. As a result, more than three million tonnes of cereals, valued at approximately $940 million, were protected: enough to feed 21 million people for a year.
Ambassade d Allemagne - Libreville
Ambassade d Allemagne au Togo
Ambassade d Italie à Alger en Algérie
Ambassade de Côte d´Ivoire en Espagne
Ambassade de Djibouti à Washington, D.C., États-Unis
Ambassade de France à Abidjan, Côte d Ivoire
Ambassade de France à Asmara, Erythrée
Ambassade de France à Bissau, Guinée-Bissau
Ambassade de France à Brazzaville, Congo
Ambassade de France à Cotonou
Ambassade de France à Dar es Salaam, Tanzanie
Ambassade de France à Djibouti
Ambassade de France à Khartoum, Soudan
Ambassade de France à Lomé, Togo
Ambassade de France à Madagascar
Ambassade de France à Malabo, Guinée Équatoriale
Ambassade de France à Moroni, Comores
Ambassade de France à Nouakchott, Mauritanie
Ambassade de France à Port-Louis, Maurice
Action to control unprecedented desert locust infestations in the Horn of Africa last year has protected crops and livelihoods, but funding is needed to.
Somalia Humanitarian Bulletin, December 2020 [EN/SO]
• Renewed climatic shocks: Desert Locust infestation in new areas; at least 500 pastoral families displaced in Puntland due to water shortages in parts of Puntland and Somaliland.
• Since 16 March 2020, 4,690 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 127 associated deaths, have been reported in Somalia.
• Humanitarian access further complicated by climatic events and the condition of infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
• As of 28 December 2020, donors generously provided 81.6 per cent of the US$1.01 billion requested in the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), enabling partners to reach more than 2 million people with life-saving assistance.
• Upcoming general elections and implications on humanitarian operations.