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DEAR SUN SPOTS: With all your resources available, could you find out if other states have a college fund such as our Alfond NextGen 529 Program here in Maine? I have a 4-month-old grandchild in Tennessee and would like to get her signed up for this fund.
Thank you for providing so much more information than we individuals could ever find. Kudos! No name, no town
ANSWER: This writer is referring to Maine’s NextGen 529 Program where every baby born a Maine resident has a $500 Alfond Grant automatically invested for his or her future higher education expenses.
For those who need more information, Maine babies who have been awarded the Alfond Grant may use the grant to open a NextGen 529 account without the required initial contribution. If you open this account and make a contribution of $25 by Dec. 31, 2021, you’ll receive a $100 Initial Matching Grant. You can find more information at
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DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have a brown leather Flex-steel recliner in good condition to give to someone who could use it. Please call me at 744-9128. Gordon, Norway
ANSWER: That’s very generous of you! Be prepared for lots of calls, Gordon. Stand by!
DEAR SUN SPOTS: Lemon flavoring (extract) removes permanent marker. I can’t guarantee that it works on all surfaces, but it works on a lot of them. No name, no town
ANSWER: This is an idea to add to all the remedies listed for removing permanent marker in the Jan. 6 Sun Spots.
These extracts have a bit of alcohol in them so that probably helps with the removal of the marker. No matter what substance you use, be sure to test it on a spot that you can hide if it doesn’t work out.
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DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m wondering if you could find out what the city of Auburn is doing along Minot Avenue on the hill from Elm Street to the rotary by Roy’s. At first it looked like they were just making another walking trail, but now whole sections of the hill are gone. I checked the city’s website, but didn’t see this particular project listed.
Upon checking where High Street ends in Auburn (at the traffic light by the rotary) and looking at the city of Auburn page of projects, I’m guessing that they are putting a sidewalk from the Snake Trail to the traffic light, but I’m still wondering about all the tree removal and the trail further up the hill. I would appreciate any more information you have.
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DEAR SUN SPOTS: I enjoy reading your column and the information you provide. I wanted to thank the Sun Journal for spreading the word about the locations of for Christmas light displays. I used to be one of those people who decorated all over and I took pride in the fact that it was beautiful and that I was sharing that feeling with others who saw my lights. I am no longer able to decorate like I used to, but I do enjoy seeing the lights and decorations and feeling the joy that other people are spreading. Thank you for all your column does. No name, Auburn
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DEAR SUN SPOTS: For the person that wants a calendar on uncoated stock (Dec. 22 Sun Spots), she should check out the Game and Calendar store in the Auburn Mall. It is located a couple of stores below the center entrance, on the right, headed toward JC Penney’s. They have a big selection of them. I bought a calendar a few days ago that is on uncoated stock and has places to write notes on each date that are a little over 2 x 3 inches each. There are larger ones too. I hope this helps. Paul, Poland
ANSWER: Thank you for responding to this need, Paul. We can’t have people running around without a user-friendly appointment calendar, especially since we are seeing a bit of light at the end of this very long pandemic tunnel.