Staßfurt - Die verwundete Stadt
Nur gut die Hälfte der Stimmberechtigten im Wahlkreis Staßfurt ging am 6. Juni zur Landtagswahl. Ein Besuch deutet auf viele unbewältigte Brüche. Von einer Stadt, die nicht nur Arbeitsplätze, sondern auch ihr Zentrum verloren hat.
Von Alexander Walter
16.06.2021, 22:55
Susan Beck, seit fünf Jahren Imbissverkäuferin im Zentrum von Staßfurt: Die arbeitende Bevölkerung wird von vorn bis hinten verarscht.“ Foto: Alexander Walter
Magdeburg - An der Stelle, an der einst stolze Gebäude das Zentrum von Staßfurt bildeten, erstreckt sich heute eine unbebaute, von jungen Bäumen umsäumte Mulde. In ihrem Zentrum ein Gewässer, das die Staßfurter „Stadtsee“ nennen – eigentlich ist es eher ein schmuckloser Teich.
Supported by a $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation, the UArizona-led TANGO project will shed light on how the Andes in South America formed.
Elise Swift-Taylor
Thursday, May 13th, 2021
The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky recently recognized 22 educators from across the Commonwealth for their support of high ability students. The educators were recognized at the program’s May 2 Commencement in Diddle Arena.
The Gatton Academy established the Gatton Academy Educator Recognition Program in 2018 to acknowledge and celebrate the support students receive from teachers, counselors, gifted and talented specialists, and principals along their educational journeys. Educators play key roles in encouraging students to develop their strengths, explore topics of interest, and set lofty goals. Students often learn of the opportunities The Gatton Academy offers through educators who recognize their potential.
UpdatedTue, Mar 16, 2021 at 8:42 pm ET
The Somers Zoning Board of Appeals voted 4-1 Tuesday in favor of an appeal brought by neighbors of the Four Town Fairgrounds. (Tim Jensen/Patch)
SOMERS, CT A marathon hearing by the Somers Zoning Board of Appeals, encompassing eight hours of discussion over three sessions, finally ended Tuesday night with the board voting 4-1 to sustain an appeal brought by neighbors of the Four Town Fairgrounds, overturning a decision by the town s zoning enforcement officer regarding off-season rentals of the property.
Last summer, Zoning Enforcement Officer Jennifer Roy issued a ruling enabling the Union Agricultural Society of Somers, Enfield, Ellington & East Windsor, Inc. (UAS) to continue renting the property at 56 Egypt Rd. to outside organizations during off-season periods, other than the annual Four Town Fair and Hartford County 4-H Fair. Roy said based on more than 60 years of precedence, a special use permit was not required for