With three weeks remaining until the filing deadline, candidate filings have been sparse for city government and school board positions in Baldwin City and Eudo
The incumbent mayors of Baldwin City and Eudora will both seek another four years to their respective offices.
Baldwin City Mayor Casey Simoneau said he filed Thursday for a second term, and Eudora Mayor Tim Reazin said he would file again for the Eudora City Commission. Eudora has a city manager/commission form of government in which the five commissioners annually elect a fellow member to serve as mayor. Reazin, who has served as Eudora mayor the past five years, said he would be honored to continue serving in that capacity if chosen.
Two Baldwin City Council at-large positions that are currently held by Brian Cramer and Susan Pitts will be on the ballot this year. In Eudora the City Commission seat currently held by Jolene Born will be up for election.
photo by: File photo
The Baldwin City Council wants to hear from the Baldwin City Recreation Commission before considering approving a bond referendum asking city voters to approve a sales tax to convert the old gym at Eigthth and Chapel streets into a community center.
A citizens advisory group wants Baldwin City to hold a referendum on a half-cent sales tax that would allow for renovations to a historic gymnasium, but several Baldwin City Council members have some questions first about the timing of the proposal and what the building should be used for.
On Jan. 19, the council got an update from the advisory group, which was appointed last year to brainstorm uses for the 1940s-era gymnasium at the corner of Eighth and Chapel streets. The group was also tasked with researching ways to fund the extensive work that the building would need.