Hollendorfer, With Frank Stronach As New Client, Well-Stocked For Oaklawn Meet Sponsored by:
Dan Ward, assistant to trainer Jerry Hollendorfer
Southern California-based trainers flourished last year at Oaklawn, with two finishing in the top 10 in the standings.
Horses for John Sadler were scheduled to arrive at the Hot Springs, Ark., track on Sunday in advance of the 57-day meeting that is scheduled to begin Friday, Jan. 22. Sadler, in his Oaklawn debut, won 15 races in 2020 to finish fifth in the trainer standings. Horses for another Southern California-based trainer, Hall of Famer Jerry Hollendorfer, have been on the grounds since late December under the direction of his longtime assistant, Dan Ward. Hollendorfer wintered at Oaklawn for the first time in 2020 and recorded 12 victories to finish eighth in the standings.