Hydro One Reports First Quarter Results
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A resilient business strategy and stable fundamentals allow Hydro One to support its customers and communities while delivering positive financial results
TORONTO, May 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Hydro One Limited (Hydro One or the Company) today announced its financial and operating results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2021.
First Quarter Highlights
First quarter earnings per share (EPS) and adjusted EPS was $0.45, compared to EPS and adjusted EPS of $0.38, for the same period in 2020. The increase was due mainly to approved rates for the transmission and distribution segments, and higher demand because of colder weather, partially offset by higher depreciation, amortization and asset removal costs, and higher work program costs.
Press release content from Globe Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
DTE Energy announces Board of Directors for DT Midstream
DTE EnergyMay 7, 2021 GMT
Board comprised of highly qualified, diverse directors with experience and expertise to oversee the new independent midstream company
Director appointments will be effective upon completion of DT Midstream spin-off, which is expected in July 2021
DT Midstream files Form 10 registration statement with Securities and Exchange Commission
DETROIT, May 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) DTE Energy (NYSE: DTE) today announced the composition of the Board of Directors for DT Midstream, the new independent, publicly traded company that is expected to be formed through the planned spin-off of DTE Energy’s non-utility natural gas pipeline, storage and gathering business. DTE Energy expects that the spin-off will be completed in July 2021.
THUNDER BAY Funding from the Independent Electricity System Operator may help lead to the development of a new industry on the Wabaseemoong Independent Nations in Northwestern Ontario.
The IESO is giving WIN – northwest of Kenora – a grant for a paid employment skills and training program for at-risk youth.
They will be taught how to develop and build off-grid solar-powered tiny homes.
The program includes engagement events, training sessions, and a unique youth-elder mentorship program.
It s among the beneficiaries of $7 million in new funding announced by th IESO for Indigenous communities and groups.
Across the province, 61 recipients will use the money for energy planning, renewable generation, energy-efficiency measures, and training.
Canada Newswire
TORONTO, April 29, 2021 /CNW/ - Indigenous communities and organizations across Ontario are moving forward with plans to transform how they meet their energy needs, choosing cleaner, more reliable and more affordable options. To that end, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) is providing $7.1 million in funding to 61 recipients that will support energy planning, renewable generation, energy-efficiency measures, as well as skills development and training.
By building local capacity, the funding will help enable Indigenous communities and organizations to manage their energy costs and support opportunities for their participation in the electricity sector. A broad range of projects are being funded through the IESO s Energy Support Programs. These include a large number of projects that will help non-grid-connected communities accelerate the transition away from diesel generation by installing renewable generation and/or energy storage, reduc
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In 2019, Bruce Power announced a commitment of $1.45 million over five years to 10 local hospital foundations. The donation recognizes the important role of local hospitals and their foundations and supports their efforts to provide the latest equipment and services.
Now, three years into this five-year commitment, Bruce Power is announcing those funds can be used at the discretion of each hospital foundation to address any emergent needs that have arisen due to the pandemic.
“The intent of the commitment we made in 2019 was to assist local hospitals in providing the best care possible,” said John Peevers, Bruce Power’s Director of Community, Media Relations and Economic Development. “So much has changed in that short time, especially in the health care sector, that funding priorities may have shifted for these organizations, so we want to make sure the hospital