The IEA was founded by Henry Kissinger. It’s not run by radicals.
A bombshell new 227-page report from the International Energy Agency on paths to avoiding climate catastrophe doesn’t mince words: “Beyond projects already committed as of 2021,” its authors write, “there are no new oil and gas fields approved for development in our pathway, and no new coal mines or mine extensions are required.” Put simply, the Paris-based intergovernmental organization declares in big, bold text what for American politicians is unthinkable: “There is no need for investment in new fossil fuel supply.” Drillers, the IEA suggests, will have to rely on “existing assets.”
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Two Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) electricity sector regulations, 310 CMR 7.74: Reducing CO2 Emissions from Electricity Generating Facilities and 310 CMR 7.75: Clean Energy Standard, require MassDEP to complete a program review by Dec. 31, 2021, and every 10 years thereafter. As an initial step in the review process, MassDEP is requesting comment on the scope of the review by May 31, with plans to consider these comments in mapping the next steps, including stakeholder meetings, collecting or developing information relevant to review of the programs and drafting regulatory language.
The regulations were promulgated in 2017 to address emissions from the electricity sector and ensure compliance with the emissions limits of the Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA). The first regulation, 310 CMR 7.74, includes annually declining emission limits from electric power plants and an al
Pennsylvania’s renewable energy goals are set to plateau at the end of the month.
Advocates say that will slow down the clean energy industry, costing the state jobs and investments that could help in the post-pandemic recovery.
Pennsylvania’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act of 2004 set a series of targets for electricity generated by a range of sources, from solar to waste coal.
Utilities are slated to meet the final goal of buying 8 percent of their electricity from renewable sources, with half a percent coming from solar, by May 31.
The legislature could increase the goals, and by doing so, spur investment in renewables.
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Presented by Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA)
With help from Alex Guillén and Anthony Adragna.
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Albany, NY More than 80 New York advocacy and grassroots groups joined more than 500 national organizations in releasing a letter to Congress yesterday calling for a truly clean, renewable energy standard as part of the evolving infrastructure package.
To meet its new climate goals, the Biden administration is expected to back a national Clean Energy Standard (CES), which some advocates argue can pass under existing budget reconciliation rules.
But the groups releasing the letter including Food & Water Watch, New York Communities for Change, Riverkeeper, the Long Island Progressive Coalition, New York Youth Climate Leaders, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest and 350Brooklyn are critical of current CES plans that qualify fracked gas, carbon capture and storage, factory farm biogas and offsets schemes as forms of clean energy. They point out that these technologies either do not effectively reduce emissions, or create pollution burdens in environmental justice communities