Apr 19, 2021 11:45:am
Summary The hydrogen task force will be established under the US-India Strategic Energy Partnership that was launched in 2018.
by: Shardul Sharma
India and the US will soon launch a task force on hydrogen under the Strategic Energy Partnership between the two countries, US deputy secretary o.
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A REIT Pioneers Community Solar in New Jersey
Duke Realty’s installation, first of its kind in the state, will expand access to renewable energy to businesses and households. Feb182021
Image courtesy of Duke Realty
The first community solar project in New Jersey was launched last month, making a milestone in Gov. Phil Murphy’s stated goal of reaching 100 percent clean energy by 2050.
A partnership between Duke Realty Corp. and Solar Landscape, the project features more than 18,000 solar panels installed across the rooftops of four Duke buildings in Perth Amboy. The solar energy generated from the panels will be fed directly into the grid and then sold to more than 1,200 low- and moderate-income households.
EU fight over role of natural gas ends in compromises [GasTransition]
Jan 14, 2021 7:15:am
Summary The month of December saw an intense struggle within the EU over the role of natural gas in the energy transition coming to a head. The predictable result: several compromises with some wins and some losses for advocates of natural gas. [Gas Transitions Volume 2, Issue 1]
by: Karel Beckman
With support for coal and oil definitely ruled out under EU policymaking, the debate over the future of fossil fuels now centres squarely on the role of natural gas. According to climate campaigners, only investments in renewable energy are compatible with the Green Deal, the overarching instrument by which the EU intends to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate targets of -55% emissions and net zero emissions respectively. In their vision, renewable energy includes “green” hydrogen, based on renewables, but excludes any role for “blue” hydrogen, based on natural
Hundreds of Clean Energy Bills Have Been Introduced in States Nationwide This Year
State-by-state look at proposals dealing with renewable energy reveals bipartisan collaboration for cleaner electricity, as Republican backlash in Washington grows.
March 27, 2017
Under a proposal introduced in the California legislature, the state s electricity would come entirely from renewable sources, like this Oakland wind farm, by 2045. Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
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Lawmakers in state legislatures across the nation have proposed hundreds of bills this year relating to clean energy. While many propose to grow alternative energy resources, others work to impede them, creating a chaotic map of countervailing efforts.