June 5, 2021, marks the first anniversary of the death of Shigeru Yokota, a torchbearer of Japan s campaign to bring home citizens abducted by North Korea after his teenage daughter Megumi was taken in 1977.
Japan s Lower House passes security-linked land bill Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site. If you re not sure how to activate it, please refer to this site: https://www.enable-javascript.com/
The House of Representatives passes a bill to regulate the use of land lots deemed important to national security at a plenary session on Tuesday. | KYODO
Jiji Jun 1, 2021
The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill to regulate the use of land lots deemed important to national security, such as Self-Defense Force bases and remote border islands.
The Lower House approved the bill at a plenary session by a majority vote with support from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito, as well as some opposition groups including Nippon Ishin no Kai.