Chicago Public Schools under fire for defunding paralyzed school clerk s job
By FOX 32 Digital Staff
CTU calls on Chicago Public Schools to save paralyzed school clerk s job
The Chicago Teachers Union is calling on Chicago Public Schools to save the job of a longtime school clerk after the district informed her the position would not be funded next school year.
CHICAGO - The Chicago Teachers Union is rallying around a longtime school clerk whose position they claim is being defunded next school year by Chicago Public Schools.
The CTU held a press conference on Tuesday where they called on CPS to save the job of Judy Mahoney, a veteran bilingual school clerk at Michael M. Byrne Elementary school in Garfield Ridge on the Southwest Side.
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Happy Thursday, Illinois. In a roller-coaster world of news, today s vaccination report from the governor will be coming from Six Flags.
TOP TALKER Rep. LIz Cheney from leadership
happened moments after Republicans said “amen” in a morning prayer. The action was so quick that numerous members, including Illinois Republican Reps.
Bill Ruthhart and John Byrne
Chicago Tribune (TNS)
Long before he became a congressman, federal judge or presidential adviser, a young Abner Mikva walked into the 8th Ward committeeman’s storefront office to volunteer for the 1948 election.
When Mikva had no political connections to speak of, the ward heeler responded with a now-infamous line that sums up the clout and cronyism of the city’s vaunted Democratic machine: “We don’t want nobody nobody sent.”
A look around the Chicago political landscape these days, however, shows the nobodies are faring quite well.
The last two Cook County Democratic Party bosses suffered embarrassing losses to political newcomers for county assessor and mayor. A congressional seat held for decades by a powerful establishment family now belongs to a progressive outsider. Several longtime white machine politicians have been defeated by first-time candidates of color.
The change in Chicago politics is being driven by generational, ideological and demographic shifts, with federal law enforcement and organized labor providing major assists.