TREEmendous experience for tiny Northland school
14 May, 2021 05:00 PM
2 minutes to read
Karetu School pupils are looking forward to a visit from the Bugman and a shark scientist - as well as having 200 trees to plant, after their win in the TREEmendous Education Programme.
Karetu School pupils are looking forward to a visit from the Bugman and a shark scientist - as well as having 200 trees to plant, after their win in the TREEmendous Education Programme.
Northern Advocate
A tiny Northland primary school is gearing up for a visit from Bugman Ruud Kleinpaste and shark scientist, Dr Riley Elliott, as well as having 200 trees to plant after winning a national competition.
Football: Dutch club Ajax melts league trophy into star gifts for fans
12 May, 2021 05:15 PM
2 minutes to read
Ajax share their latest title success with 42,000 of their fans by melting down the Eredivisie trophy to make silver stars. Video / AFC Ajax via YouTube
Ajax share their latest title success with 42,000 of their fans by melting down the Eredivisie trophy to make silver stars. Video / AFC Ajax via YouTube
Ajax has melted down its Dutch league trophy to give a tiny silver star to all 42,000 season-ticket holders who were locked out of games during the coronavirus pandemic.
The storied Amsterdam club published movie-like videos Wednesday of the Eredivisie trophy - a wide silver plate being torched and recast into small stars.