Small businesses around the country are increasingly realising what the impact is likely to be on their livelihood when the Federal Government’s JobKeeper stops in just seven weeks.
The January Sensis Business Index is showing increasing distress about the loss of the lifeline that saved hundreds of thousands of businesses from going under due to the Covid-19 lockdowns.
The survey is of 1,000 small business owners/managers across all states and across 10 business sectors. It was conducted by data insights platform Glow in the last week of January. 22% of the businesses surveyed had 50 employees or more and 53% of businesses had been operating for more than 10 years.
Labor's industrial relations plan fails to recognise how jobs are created and what Australia needs to retain jobs and support recovery. Following release.
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell has welcomes media reports that Treasury is considering a revenue-contingent.