• March 17: Virtual
St. Patrick’s Day Gala and online live auction, Catholic Charities, goodie boxes mailed to participants, for information email Development@CCharitiesCC.org or call 866-6539.
• March 18:
• March 20: Virtual
Honoring the Brave Gaming Tournament, 11 a.m., supports local military, families and veterans, Home Front Military Network. Play Rocket League (Rated E for Everyone) or Call of Duty: Cold War 4v4 (Rated M for Mature), cross-platform event for any gaming console. Registration $15-$25, matcherino.com/events/42809.
• April 10:
The ACATAMY Awards for Happy Cats Haven, 6 p.m., virtual gala and auctions, silent auction free, event $15, VIP swag bag, charcuterie and cat toys $50, happycatshaven.org/event/acatemyawards2021.