Colin Woodard s 11 American Nations
Why do we classify states or regions as “red” or “blue”? How did certain areas of the country gain particular political reputations?
Here in Iowa, considered a “purple” state by many, there is now a congressional delegation of six Republicans and only one Democrat, and with Governor Terry Branstad winning 98 of 99 counties.
We need to understand our differences and where they come from if we want to understand what our political arguments are about. - Colin Woodard
According to Colin Woodard, there’s a whole lot more to the conversation than red versus blue. He’s the author of the 2012 book
The Simpson College athletic department is happy with how the spring season went through, including the addition of the normal fall sports of volleyball and football. Athletics Communications Director Zach Newcomer tells KNIA Sports in large part it was due to the Simpson community helping out, including athletes, coaches, staff, and parents and fans attending the games. To learn more, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.