The mystery black car in Thirsk Market Place in 1965 “NO way can the car parked by the clock tower in Thirsk Market Place be a Citroen Light 15, but it is almost certainly a Ford Popular,” says Gordon Hatton in Thirsk, taking us back to the car controversially identified by some of our old car spotters as being a highly unusual Citroen 15. Our “wide-eye” picture of the market place was taken with a special lens on September 29, 1965. “The car has the slotted steel wheels with black hub caps, whereas the Citroen had plain disc wheels with chrome hub caps,” continues Gordon. “The headlights are in body colour black, whereas the Citroen had chromed lights. The rear bumper looks as though it would be plain silver paint, whereas the Citroen would have chrome bumpers, usually with overriders.