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On a crisp October afternoon, as bright cottonwood leaves flutter to the ground, I gather with a group of people to talk potatoes. In typical pandemic style though, we’re not outdoors, nor are we together in person; instead, we’re online, with each person occupying a little box on my computer screen. While this may sound a little dull for online entertainment, the enthusiasm over harvesting spuds from a community garden is contagious.
Michelle Putz of the US Forest Service in Sitka, Alaska, leads the call, smiling broadly under her sandy blond bangs. Though an in-person meetup would be nice, she says, the online format has brought together a far-flung audience of several dozen people. We span nearly the length of the Pacific Northwest coast, from my home 1,000 kilometers northwest of Sitka, near Prince William Sound, to 1,400 kilometers southeast of Sitka, in Washington State.
Contested election delays swearing in of Tribal Council members
Posted by Katherine Rose | Dec 11, 2020
The Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council election was held at the Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi Community House in early November, but the results from the election have not yet been certified (Photo/KCAW)
Although the Sitka Tribe of Alaska Tribal Council Election was held nearly a month ago, the election results have not been certified, and the newly elected council members have yet to be sworn in. The reason for the delay has not been publicly disclosed, and even the presumptive winners were not invited to recent proceedings on the matter in Tribal Court.