The first of three new gun safety bills, in part a response to the March 22 shooting at the south Boulder King Soopers, was approved on a party-line 7-4 vote
High school lacrosse preview: Area teams ready to rip it after lost season
Concord’s Eaton Tarbell (44) falls to the ground while playing against Bedford on Thursday. MELISSA CURRAN / Monitor staff
Concord High longstick Brody McGonigle (37) plays defense during the Tide’s game against Bedford on Thursday. MELISSA CURRAN / Monitor staff
Published: 4/19/2021 9:48:49 AM
While most area high school lacrosse teams open their season on Tuesday, the Concord High boys started last week with a pair of games against Bedford. But with the 2020 season lost to COVID and a shortened 2021 preseason without scrimmages, the Crimson Tide took a different approach to Tuesday’s season opener in Bedford.
Boulder, Colo., City Council Approves New Micromobility Rules
The city of Boulder established new regulations for micomobility devices, outlining where they are allowed to be located and where they can legally go. In January 2020, officials considered banning some services from the city. by Deborah Swearingen, Daily Camera / April 14, 2021 Shutterstock/Andriy Bilous
(TNS) There are new rules dictating what types of micromobility devices are allowed in Boulder and where those devices legally can go. Boulder City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved on second reading a micromobility traffic ordinance that expands the types of micromobility devices that are allowed, dictates where those devices can be used and where they must be dismounted and provides some guidance to ensure safety. Councilmember Mirabai Nagle was absent.
Boulder Expands Where E-Scooters Can Travel and Park The City Council expanded regulations on where micromobility devices are allowed and where they can be dismounted. E-scooters received the biggest change and are now allowed on streets, bike lanes and multi-use paths. Deborah Swearingen, Daily Camera | April 15, 2021 | News
(TNS) There are new rules dictating what types of micromobility devices are allowed in Boulder and where those devices legally can go.
Boulder City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved on second reading a micromobility traffic ordinance that expands the types of micromobility devices that are allowed, dictates where those devices can be used and where they must be dismounted and provides some guidance to ensure safety. Councilmember Mirabai Nagle was absent.
moved smoothly through steps in Boulder’s city approval process Tuesday evening when the Boulder City Council declined to call up any of the proposals for additional scrutiny.
As a result, the Waterview apartment project is poised to begin the final construction permitting process, while elements of the hotel and Ball projects, both in earlier phases of the approval pipeline, will come back before city officials prior to groundbreaking.
Waterview, a mixed-use proposal with more than 300 residential units and 15,000 square feet of commercial space at 5801 and 5847 Arapahoe Ave. in east Boulder, received unanimous support from Boulder’s Planning Board earlier this year.