Classic Theatre Closes Season of ‘Theatre in the Rough’ with Our Town
What do we actually need to tell a story?
This is the question Mark Stringham grappled with while directing the Classic Theatre’s recent production of
Our Town. It is also a question that theater leaders around the world have faced over the past 18 months. Can a Zoom performance come close to imitating the allure of live performance? How can theater, an art form that’s based on people gathering, survive a period of time when gatherings were few and far between?
“Regional theatre, really, was founded on being a cornerstone of its community,” says Kelly Roush, artistic and executive director of the Classic. “A place where the public can come together to talk about hard things, or funny things just what it’s like to be human. This has become even more important, I think, in the last five or six years as things have become increasingly partisan.”
Lightscape holiday trail to illuminate San Antonio Botanical Garden in light show’s Texas debut
It’s never too early to start thinking about holiday happenings
Lightscape will head to the San Antonio Botanical Garden this holiday season. (Rikard Osterlund)
SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Botanical Garden will bring Lightscape, an immersive mile-long trail of holiday lights, to Texas for the first time when the exhibit opens this winter.
SABOT officials recently announced that Lightscape will illuminate the garden’s 38 acres from Nov. 19 through Jan. 2.
Chief Executive Officer Sabina Carr said the display, which previously opened to sold-out crowds in the United Kingdom and Chicago, will be a new tradition in the Alamo City.