Natural Gas Pragmatism Is The Fastest Route To Decarbonization
May 13, 2021 5:30:pm
Summary Surely, natural gas, too, will have to be phased out over time, so why not skip this phase and move straight to wind and solar? The idea sounds enticing, but upon closer examination, it is counterproductive if not self-defeating, argues Olga Bielkova.
by: Olga Bielkova
Natural Gas Pragmatism Is The Fastest Route To Decarbonization
When it comes to the energy transition, we can’t allow perfect, in the words of Voltaire, to become the enemy of the good. The stewardship of our planet demands that we take concrete steps towards a carbon-free future, and we make them now. We must remember, however, that neither the pathway nor the pace of change will be the same everywhere.
Surely, natural gas, too, will have to be phased out over time, so why not skip this phase and move straight to wind and solar? The idea sounds enticing, but upon closer examination, it is counterproductive if not self-defeating, argues Olga Bielkova.
Olga Bielkova is the director of government and international affairs at GTSOU, the Gas TSO of Ukraine.
When it comes to the energy transition, we can’t allow perfect, in the words of Voltaire, to become the enemy of the good. The stewardship of our planet demands that we take concrete steps towards a carbon-free future, and we make them now. We must remember, however, that neither the pathway nor the pace of change will be the same everywhere.
About this Event
The complexity and scale of what s needed to mobilise the the right resources to supply the world with 100% clean energy can be overwhelming.
With major disruption and innovation happening in equal measure, how do we ensure discoveries move from the
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Saul Griffith has the answer! In his book Electrify - launching in October 2021, Saul outlines his blueprint to electrify everything. In so doing, we create jobs and a healthier planet.
Danny Kennedy joins from Silicon Valley with insights from his entrepreneurial journey. Now at New Energy Nexus, where he runs programs across China, India, US and Africa help clean tech entrepreneurs with funding, support and networks, Danny will share learnings from founder journeys around the world.
Well, actually, one more: Wind.
The sun, the air and the chemistry to bottle their limitless power â itâs looking more and more as if these constitute the worldâs next great technological advance, a leap as life-changing for many of us as was aviation, the internet or, of course, plastics.
Faster than many thought possible, and despite long doubt about renewable energyâs practicality, a momentous transformation is now well underway. We are moving from a global economy fueled primarily by climate-warming fossil fuels to one in which we will cleanly pluck most of our energy out of water, wind and the fire in the sky.
The sun, the air and the chemistry to bottle their limitless power it’s looking more and more as if these constitute the world’s next great technological advance, a leap as life-changing for many of us as was aviation and the internet.