HUNTINGTON â The Pallottine Foundation of Huntington and its Board of Trustees recently announced its fall 2020 Healthy Communities Initiative Awards.
The Pallottine Foundation of Huntington awarded 46 organizations a total of $729,521 to support initiatives that contribute to the health of regional communities. These nonprofit organizations deliver health-related services in the region and operate with small-to-mid-size annual budgets. Based on the mission and needs of the organization, funds will support projects that address food insecurity, mental and behavioral health, substance use disorder, general health and wellness and COVID relief.
âOur board and staff were impressed by the passion of these organizations and their commitment to improving the health of people in their communities, especially during the uncertain days of the pandemic,â said Janell Ray, chief executive officer of The Pallottine Foundation of Huntington, in a news release. âOur nonprofits
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