Whilst not currently common in the UK it is estimated that over 250 million such devices have been successfully installed throughout Europe – indeed ista patented their first such solution in 1924!
Therefore on the face of it the updated Regulations seem like a burden the industry could do without, but the potential to contribute positively to the environment and save much needed costs for Consumers mark this change out to be a great Opportunity rather than a Risk.
In addition to lowering carbon and reducing costs there are further benefits of the improvements, which are all very relevant in the current unusual circumstances in which we find ourselves:
3 months ago
Expressions of Interest can be submitted by any person, organisation, or group of interested parties who wish to develop renewable energy projects on Māori housing.
To be eligible for funding, projects must focus on installing renewable energy technology, and benefit people in Māori housing, for example:
Residents of housing on Whenua Māori
Papakāinga residents
Tenants of Māori Community Housing Providers
Māori households or partners working with the Crown through initiatives such as Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Housing investment and the MAIHI programme
Households benefitting from housing or energy programmes predominantly led by, or for, Māori-affiliated or Māori-run organisations.