Democrats, all the way up to the president of the United States, are reaching deep into the past to continue to stoke racial divisions in this country.
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The Biden-Harris administration is launching a government-wide effort to increase the share of contracts going to small businesses by 50 percent by 2026.
The White House
One hundred years ago, the thriving Black community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, known as “Black Wall Street,” was ruthlessly attacked by a violent white supremacist mob. An estimated 300 Black Americans were killed and another 10,000 were left destitute and homeless.
The destruction wrought on the Greenwood neighborhood and its families was followed by laws and policies that made recovery nearly impossible. The streets were redlined, locking Black Tulsans out of homeownership and access to credit. Federal highways built through the heart of Greenwood cut off families and businesses from economic opportunity. And chronic disinvestment by the federal government in Black entrepreneurs and small businesses denied Black Wall Street a fair shot at rebuilding. These are the stories of Greenwood, but they have echoes in countless Black communities across the country.
By Susan Jones | June 1, 2021 | 5:56am EDT
Activists attend a hearing on reparations for the descendants of slaves before a House Judiciary subcommittee in June 2019. (Photo credit should read ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)
( - President Biden s trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma on this Tuesday to commemorate the 1921 attack on a thriving black community is energizing the Democrats call for reparations. Tulsa an example of why we have to pass H.R. 40, reparations, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) told the Rev. Al Sharpton on Saturday:
The survivors and the descendants of this massacre, they still have not received their due and it is time that we honored them, and that we at least repair the damage for the descendants and survivors of what took place a hundred years ago.