Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 15, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST
3 cases on a technicality for Thursday, April 15
Nova Scotia’s latest COVID-19 numbers. At last you can read What happened at Northwood? the investigative feature by Stephanie Nolen that has occupied so much of my attention this week. It is a powerful, illuminating story about last year s deadly COVID-19 outbreak at the long-term care home, and I am honoured that The Coast is able to bring it to you. Compared to that story, today s C19 numbers are inconsequential, maybe even farcical. But here we are.
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 18, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST
7 cases, the Brazilian variant arrives and a second nursing home case April 18
Plus some late-breaking school cases on a sucky COVID-19 Sunday. A deranged gunman started a murderous rampage in Portapique, Nova Scotia, on the night of April 18, 2020. That rampage ended with the gunman killed before noon on April 19, by the same RCMP he disguised himself as, after he murdered 22 people. Today marks the first anniversary of the massacre, a time that should be for quiet reflection and peace. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has a different agenda.
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 13, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST
6 cases reported for Nova Scotia on Tuesday, April 13
The province’s latest COVID-19 numbers. As we explained yesterday, with Stephanie Nolen s Northwood investigation about to be published, his week s updates about the province s pandemic numbers are going to be bare-bones. Today is a perfect example, with very little information beyond what the province provides. Nova Scotia is reporting six new C19 cases in its daily press release, for a total of 45 active cases, three of those being patients hospitalized with the disease. Two cases are in Central Zone and are related to travel outside Canada, says the province. Three cases are in Western Zone and are related to travel outside Canada. The other case is in Eastern Zone and is related to travel outside Atlantic Canada. The people are self-isolating, as required.
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 14, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST
2 cases and a major leap in vaccine delivery April 14
But Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 numbers also identify 18 more cases of the B117 variant. As we continue to request your patience for minimal case reports this week, let s get to the day s numbers. The province is reporting two new COVID-19 cases today: One case is in Central Zone and is related to travel outside Canada. The other case is in Eastern Zone and is related to travel outside Atlantic Canada. The people are self-isolating, as required.
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 12, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST
7 new cases for a record 46 active cases Monday, April 12
Nova Scotia s active COVID-19 caseload reaches a new high for the year. We need to keep this report short and number-focused today and for the rest of the week because we re working on a huge story about Northwood long-term care facility that comes out Thursday, and it needs all of our attention. If The Coast had a huge staff of reporters and editors like, for example, England s influential Guardian, we might have enough hands to share the work so epic investigations don t disrupt the regular day-to-day operations. But we don t have that staff. We have one editor (that s me) and a few reporters and a small stable of freelancers. So when we produce a piece of journalism for Halifax that wouldn t be out of place in