Stranger Than The Beyond (Korean Movie, 2020, 저승보다 낯선) - Find the cast, latest updates, latest news, legal streaming links, DVDs, Blu-rays, collectibles, latest trailers, latest teasers, latest pictures, posters, images, videos for the Korean Movie Stranger Than The Beyond with ,Yeo Kyun-dong,여균동,Joo Min-jin,주민진
End of filming August 2011
A human drama based on an unlucky marathoner who had always been running as a 30km pace maker but gets to challenge a 42.195 km marathon for the first time in his life. A pace maker?
A player who supports the rhythm of a rising star during a game in swimming, long distance running, cycling and others.
Airing dates: 2021/06/04~Upcoming
12 episodes - Fri
star in the world of internet content creation, Seo J (Jiyeon) has made quite a name for herself as a beauty expert. A smooth talker who isn t afraid to tell it like it is, J has amassed an impressive following since the start of her career and the numbers just keep rising. With so many dedicated followers, companies are beginning to take notice of J, including Lee Woo-bin (Lee Tae-sun), the CEO of a cosmetics start-up company whose products J has acknowledged on more than one occasion.
A highly intelligent man, Lee Woo-bin knows what it takes to run a company well but when it comes to social interaction, he has absolutely no idea what he s doing. Encouraged by J s glowing reviews of his products, Woo-bin has tried, on more than one occasion, to get better acquainted with the rising star, but every attempt he has made so far has failed miserably. Meanwhile, Lee Tae-kyeong (Jang Eui-soo), the director of MCN, a company s