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Thompson Coburn’s Environmental Group is closely following the incoming Biden-Harris Administration’s announcements on its potential environmental priorities. Changes come with every new Administration; however, we anticipate relatively quick and more significant changes from the Biden Administration on environmental issues.
Given the regulatory roll-backs undertaken by the Trump Administration, many of which were controversial within EPA, we expect a renewed focus on the Agency itself, its mission and its staff. Some commentators have called this renewed focus a “Humpty Dumpty” approach i.e., putting the agency “
Regardless of one’s political preferences and/or party affiliation, substantial environmental policy changes are coming. To help our clients prepare for these anticipated changes, we have prepared a short list of key areas that we believe the new Administration will focus its attention.
Published on December 28th, 2020
Only two previous incoming presidents have had as much to furrow their brows as Joe Biden will when he arrives to take the oath of office Jan. 20: Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt. Not only will Biden have to initiate extensive repairs to the political and psychological damage that Donald Trump has inflicted on the nation and the world in four years of wretched malgovernance and avarice, he must also work to remove several long-standing injustices and deal with several major ongoing crises. Police violence, health care, economic inequities, immigration policy, voting rights and election security all need immediate attention. The most difficult? The climate crisis.