By Sana G
Mar 8, 2021
Pastor Stewart Allen Clark a Baptist pastor at First General Baptist church Missouri took to the stag to deliver his sermon on how women need to serve their husbands and keep themselves together in order to keep their husbands!
He went so far to say that young boy ask him why women wear make-up and perfume and answered so they aren t ugly and smelly . Pastor Clark also referenced former First Lady Melania Trump saying that not all women can the the most epic trophy wife of all time, Melania Trump . He also said you don t have to be a trophy but you don t hav to be BUTCH either!! WOW
Mar 5, 2021
Dorothy O Hanlon went to dinner with her husband at Maggiano s in Florida and took photos and videos of what they feel was discrimination with their seating assignments!
If you look at the video and pictures above you can see that the majority of the people seated at the front of the restaurant are white and the majority in the back of the restaurant are people of color.
The O Hanlon s video has gone viral and being shown support by people of all backgrounds. Either miraculously all the white folks showed up early and the black folks showed up late or there is some kind of unspoken rules to place people of color in the back!
By Sana G
Mar 5, 2021
If you are a believer in the end of the world as we know it you might have read a couple of the theories that have been out there including what Nostradamus predicted in 2021 which includes a zombie apocalypse.
The CDC has been met with questions from concerned community members and they decided either as a joke or a real answer to their questions to continue a ZOMBIE preparedness forum on their website.
They suggest that the preparations for zombies coming for your brains and guts to be the same as any other disaster which starts with an emergency kit!
By Sana G
Mar 4, 2021
Yhung Lyric Chanel has been battling brain cancer and Anaplastic Ependymoma pretty much her whole life. Going through 10 + surgeries, chemotherapy and more treatments while living in Houston.
Lyric caught the attention of everyone who witnessed her story on social media and even touched Beyonce, Cardi B, Trae The Truth and more celebs and social media influencers and community members who supported her journey in trying to fight cancer.
Beyonce sent her an Ivy Park gift bag and flowers that she revised after a surgery that made her smile and Trae The Truth has gone to visit her so much that he is now Uncle Trae. Bringing pastors to her bedside and calling her my heart on social media.