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All kinds of announcements and advertisements done within
municipal borders and adjacent areas are subject to Announcement
and Advertisement Tax. Natural or legal persons, who make the
advertisement on their or other s behalf, are considered as
taxpayers of the relevant tax. Advertisement companies, who conduct
announcement and advertisement works on behalf of others, are
liable to pay the taxes of announcements and advertisements on
taxpayers behalf. Announcement and Advertisement Tax payments
can be made through registered municipalities e-municipality
system and related banks.
As per the Law on Municipal Revenues numbered 2464, and articles
In cooperation with some private medical clinics that belong to the same group of companies Czech Republic´s Prime Minister's Trust Fund, Internet news server iDnes offered preferential.
The European Securities and Markets Authority ( ESMA )
has, on the 13
th January 2021, issued a public statement
to remind firms of the MiFID II requirements on the provision of
investment services to retail and professional clients by third
country investment firms.
According to MiFID II, a third country firm may provide
investment services to EU-based retail or professional clients
without the requirement to establish a branch within the EU, where
the service is being sought by the client at its own exclusive
initiative. ESMA has noted some questionable practices following
the end of the UK transition period on the 31
st December