Ulster Herald
Advertisement Posted: 4:22 pm January 9, 2021
By Emma Ryan
A TYRONE mother believes the transfer test debacle is an ‘absolute disaster’ and has caused great upset to young pupils.
On Tuesday morning, it was announced that the Transfer Test which was supposed to start this weekend and continue on January 16 and 23 was cancelled.
Just hours later, the Association for Quality Education (AQE) announced that a one off single exam would be held on Saturday 27 February.
AQE said it had taken the decision following a meeting with schools, however Clogher mother Audrey Keys believes that the situation caused great upset for the young students preparing for the test.
Doubt over transfer test as more grammar schools pull out 11 plus Transfer test. Story Simon Doyle. 09 January, 2021 01:00
GRAMMAR schools are withdrawing in growing numbers from a planned transfer test next month - casting doubt that it will take place at all.
As executive ministers argued yesterday about staging entrance assessments, several more schools revealed they were pulling out.
The Association for Quality Education (AQE) intends to hold a single exam for P7s on February 27.
The first of its three postponed papers was due to be taken today by more than 8,000 children.
Amid demands to call off all tests on health grounds, the executive discussed the issue yesterday but broke up without agreement.