ArdentX LLC, a Jacksonville-based transportation and logistics company, intends to relocate its headquarters and launch a warehouse at Freebird Commerce Center in North Jacksonville.
The move more than triples ArdentX’s office space, launches its warehousing venture and will double the capacity for employees and truck owner-operators.
“I’ve been doing this 40 years,” founder and CEO Chuck Miller said April 26.
“We are just really good at what we do. We over-communicate and our service is unbelievable.”
Miller says the freight-brokerage company always is available, and staff works on weekends.
He expects $120 million in sales this year, up from $70 million last year and $50 million in 2019.
EAGLE RIVER During a presentation of the Copper Harbor Trails Club (CHTC) to the Keweenaw County Board at the regular April meeting, the topic came down to one of liability and who would pay in the event of a catastrophic injury of a user of the mountain bike trails owned by the club and located in Keweenaw County. The trails have been ordered to remain closed until the county and the CHTC can clarify and resolve issues of insurance liability.
Scott Chapin, an insurance agent out of Hayward, Wisconsin, who is a bicycle injury risk specialist, has assisted the CHTC in understanding liability issues and claims, was present for the zoom presentation. He told the board that one of the most prominent claims filed in biking injuries pertains to trails being improperly maintained.
Congratulations to the Price Family
By Vickie Rhodehamel - Arcanum News for the week of April 12, 2021
Michael and Ashley Price of Baltimore, Ohio, wish to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Lowell Robert Price. Lowell was expected March 18, 2021, but surprised everyone with an early arrival on Dec. 31, 2020. The little guy only weighed 3 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 16 inches long at birth. After many prayers, weight gain, and daily improvements, Lowell was released and able to come home from Mount Carmel Hospital on March 10, 2021. He then weighed 7 pounds and 6 ounces.
He was welcomed home by his grandparents JoSue and Chuck Miller of Reynoldburg, Ohio, Robert and Christine Frantz, and Steven Lowell (Steve) and Linda Price, Greenville, Ohio. His great-grandparents are Roberta and Robert Franz, Helen North of Arcanum, and Robert North, Georgeanna and Lowell Price, deceased. To quote Winnie the Pooh, “Sometimes the smallest things take up the biggest part of your