Best friends to platonic spouses: The couples saying I do to a sexless marriage
2 May, 2021 12:11 AM
7 minutes to read Platonic marriages raise an interesting question related to what elements are most important in a marriage. Photo / Matheus Ferrero, Unsplash Platonic marriages raise an interesting question related to what elements are most important in a marriage. Photo / Matheus Ferrero, Unsplash
New York Times
By: Danielle Braff
First came blood brothers, best friends who would solidify their bond by cutting themselves and swapping a bit of blood. Then came the tiny house besties, friends moving into adjoining tiny homes. Today some people
Coka brothers not only ones killed at the farm 29 April 2021 - 06:58
The investigating officer in the Coka brothers murder case has told the Piet Retief magistrate s court that another double murder happened at the same farm where the siblings were killed.
W/O Vukile Nhlapho continued with her testimony in the bail application of the five accused yesterday, saying the other murders were committed at the farm Bampoen in Piet Retief, Mpumalanga, in August.
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Shunned by their Muslim brothers, but Ahmadis still feel it s a blessing to be living in NZ
28 Apr, 2021 02:00 AM
4 minutes to read
Ahmadiyya Muslims Azeem Zafarullah, left, and Imam Shafiq ur Rehman at the Baitul Muqeet Mosque in South Auckland. Photo / Dean Purcell
Ahmadiyya Muslims Azeem Zafarullah, left, and Imam Shafiq ur Rehman at the Baitul Muqeet Mosque in South Auckland. Photo / Dean Purcell
Lincoln Tan is the New Zealand Herald’s diversity, ethnic affairs and immigration senior
Azeem Zafarullah claims to be a proud Kiwi Muslim , but when he makes an Islamic greeting, other Muslims would shun him rather than return the greeting.
Woman Abandoned As a Baby Meets Brother and Sister for the First Time
On 4/26/21 at 9:43 AM EDT
A woman who was abandoned as a baby has been united with her biological siblings. Jessica Hicks, 30, had been searching for her family for years and finally met them on Sunday, reported CBS Los Angeles.
Hicks was found as a baby at a business park in Irwindale, California, in 1990, and taken to a hospital.
A newspaper reported on Hicks discovery at the time and said: A sunburned newborn girl was found wrapped in an old blue blanket Monday afternoon in the bushes near a business complex.