The internet is brutal. Martin Gurri calls it a great mutilator. Gurri was a global media analyst at the CIA in 2001, right as the internet erupted with what he describes as an Information Tsunami. That year, more information was produced than all information before it. The next year, double. Then double that, and it threw the leadership structure of the world into a state of crisis. Gurri wrote about it in his book, The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium, and he joins Glenn to discuss the main issue it created, which we re still feeling now: The old school elites aren t the only loud voice in the room anymore. Gurri explains how many of America s most divisive issues are all connected: cancel culture, corruption in media, nihilism, why people see white supremacists or Antifas everywhere lately. The internet created America s great divide. But can it also bring us back together?
Glenn shares a story about an art gallery owner someone whose political beliefs certainly veered left but who was excited to come together and share Glenn s artwork inside the gallery regardless of their political differences. But, after the January 6th Capitol riot, Glenn received an email explai.
Glenn explains how cancel culture may now be targeting financial institutions. One company, Affirm, has already severed ties with MyPillow. So, who s next? And what does this mean for your own finances, credit cards, or even the future of BlazeTV? Glenn describes what could be coming next…
Several Dr. Seuss books were canceled, but that doesn t mean others can t follow in his footsteps with their own whimsical poems and rhymes. So, here s Glenn s own version of a Dr. Seuss tale. Except, forget the Whos or green eggs this one is all about FDR. Do you think the woke left would approve? , none ,n.insertBefore(e.captions,n.firstChild),e.captionsText=e.captions.querySelector( . +r.options.classPrefix+ captions-text ),e.captionsButton=i.default.createElement( div ),e.captionsButton.className=r.options.classPrefix+ button +r.options.classPrefix+ captions-button ,e.captionsButton.innerHTML= +a.default.t( mejs.none )+ ,r.addControlElement(e.captionsButton, tracks ),e.captionsButton.querySelector( . +r.options.classPrefix+ captions-selector-input ).disabled=!1,e.chaptersButton=i.default.createElement( div ),e.chaptersButton.className=r.options.classPrefix+ button +r.options.classPrefix+ chapters-button ,e.chaptersButton.innerHTML=