Despite a lifelong struggle with panic attacks, Divya Singh made a brave move across the world last fall from her home in Mumbai, India. She enrolled at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, to study physics and explore an interest in standup comedy in Manhattan.
Arriving in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and isolated in her dorm room, Singhâs anxiety ballooned when her family had trouble coming up with the money for a $16,000 tuition installment. Hofstra warned her she would have to vacate the dorm after the term ended if she was not paid up. At one point, she ran into obstacles transferring money onto her campus meal card.
Updated on March 2, 2021 at 6:19 pm
NBC Universal, Inc.
What to Know
The sites are open for residents who are part of eligible groups, including people over the age of 65, food service workers, farm workers, animal agriculture workers, emergency services workers, education and childcare workers, healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities.
People must make an appointment in advance and bring identification to prove they are a Council District 7 resident.
Neighborhoods include Pacoima, Sylmar, North Hills, Mission Hills, Lakeview Terrace, Sunland, Tujunga and Shadow Hills.
COVID-19 vaccination pop-up sites will be offered to residents of Los Angeles City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez s district in the northeast San Fernando Valley over the next three weeks, starting Tuesday.
Editor s Note: The article includes conflict of interest and funding and support disclosures. Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and funding and support.
Media advisory: The full study is linked to this news release.
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Divya Singh, a student at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, sought counseling help after feeling panicked when she had trouble paying a big tuition bill. A weeklong stay in a psychiatric hospital followed along with a $3,413 bill. (Jackie Molloy for KHN)
Then the Hefty Hospital Bill Arrived!
Despite a lifelong struggle with panic attacks, Divya Singh made a brave move across the world last fall from her home in Mumbai, India. She enrolled at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, to study physics and explore an interest in standup comedy in Manhattan.
Arriving in the midst of the CIVID-19 pandemic and isolated in her dorm room, Singh’s anxiety ballooned when her family had trouble coming up with the money for a $16,000 tuition installment. Hofstra warned her she would have to vacate the dorm after the term ended if she was not paid up. At one point, she ran into obstacles transferring money onto her campus meal card.