Chris White has been appointed chair of the Grand River Conservation Authority. Submitted jpg, BR
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Try refreshing your browser. GRCA elects new chair, vice-chair Back to video
Chris White, mayor of Guelph-Eramosa Township, moves from vice-chair to chair. He succeeds Helen Jowett, who had served as chair since 2016.
“The role of conservation authorities in Ontario has never been more important,” White said in a prepared statement. “As a leading watershed management agency, we remain focused on the health, wellness and sustainability of our communities.
“I look forward to leading our board, working with all levels of government and supporting GRCA staff as we continue to work on the recent updates to the Conservation Authorities Act.”
KITCHENER It appears the City of Stratford will not be making a decision the Xinyi glass plant anytime soon. A release from Xinyi says the city has decide to pause the process. Xinyi announced a plan to bring a plant to the city last year. The proposed $400-million facility promised to bring more than 300 jobs to the city. It was met with opposition over concerns of the environmental impact of the plant, along with a lack of transparency over the project s approval. Thursday marked day eight of a vigil against the company looking to build the plant. We felt a vigil was a very powerful word, said Peggy Coffeh King with Get Concerned Stratford. To stand, it takes courage, it takes perseverance, it takes us trying to fight something so huge.
KITCHENER Guelph police say a passerby helped save a group of young people skating on a stormwater management pond that wasn t completely frozen. The 54-year-old man from Guelph-Eramosa Township called Guelph police at around 3:15 p.m. Tuesday after he saw about a dozen people skating on the pond on Watson Parkway North near Grange Road. Officers responded shortly after and saw the group was still on the ice. One officer said they heard the ice cracking while at the scene. All the young people were able to get off the ice. There is a sign at the scene saying skating, swimming and fishing aren t allowed, police say.