Remote work continues to fueling a spike in phishing and cyberattacks, particularly in the U.S.
When it comes to paying the ransom in a ransomware attack, demands are on the rise. Yet, many companies that paid the ransom failed to receive a decryption key, in a survey issued Monday.
In fact, pandemic-themed phishing scams, a sustained onslaught of ransomware attacks and the rise of a remote global workforce all colluded to make the last 12 months particularly brutal for information-security professionals, according to the report.
Proofpoint’s State of the Phish report for 2021 surveyed 600 informational security pros across seven countries: Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, U.K and the U.S.; incorporated highlights from an additional third-party survey of 3,500 adult workers across the same countries; and analyzed more than 60 million simulated phishing attacks to reach its conclusions, the company said.