Justin K. Aller/Contributor/Getty Images
West Virginia University s president, E. Gordon Gee, has pointed out potential benefits and drawbacks to proposals for eliminating the state s personal income tax.
E. Gordon Gee, president of West Virginia University, walked a narrow line Tuesday amid a discussion about eliminating the state’s personal income tax, indicating such a move could be successful in the long term but would need to be paired with a broader look at taxes or other offsetting moves.
A university spokesperson made clear that Gee needs more information about specific proposals before forming a final opinion. But the longtime university president s thoughts matter because state lawmakers are exploring the idea of ending individual income taxes, and some have already drawn a line between state tax policy and spending on college and university campuses in West Virginia. Cuts to the state s income taxes could very well leave less money available for state funding for the
FAIRMONT — Fairmont State University, West Virginia University and the Robinson Grand Performing Arts Center have joined forces to produce a regional community music, theater and dance performance to demonstrate
Opinion: How Utah Valley University is mapping the technological future of higher editions
News Highlights: Opinion: How Utah Valley University is mapping the technological future of higher editions
Last July, as college administrators wring their hands during the impending COVID-19 deranged fall semester, I tried to predict the future of American universities after a pandemic.
My thesis, aided by an extensive interview with the US’s oldest university president, was that reinvention was imminent and technology would be the primary vehicle. Little did I know the revolution’s headquarters would be located in Orem, Utah.
While Utah Valley University’s model is not universally transferable, the university’s ability to harness the digital wave has been impressive. Many universities are cutting back or permanently closed during the pandemic. UVU graduated last fall with its largest class in its history – 6,410 students.
This may only be my second semester on campus, but I can tell when the University makes new rules or fails to change policies that don t sit well with students, especially for those either living on campus or in the Morgantown area.
The Student Rec Center seen on November 18, 2020.
It s been decided that until further notice the Student Rec Center will be closed and all activities and events have been canceled until April 12. However, many students, including myself, believe that this facility should ve been reopened. If students are denied access to this resource on campus, they should be refunded the entire portion that goes towards running the facility.