This week Steve s Daddy Tips are all about ways to manipulate your kids and spouse into making your life a little easier.
This week’s first Daddy Tip is for all about bath time. If you are like me and have a toddler and an infant, you know that bath time can be a pretty big production at night. My wife and I split the duties each night, but I’m here to tell you to always try to bathe the infant instead of the toddler if you can get a choice. Bathing toddlers is like giving a bath to a drunk monkey, it’s not fun and you end up all wet. And bathing an infant is just fun. So when bath time comes rearing its ugly head, be sure to snatch up that infant and say “I’ll bathe the baby tonight!”
So my buddy and his wife actually were on vacation and saved a man from a massive car accident just last week. I wondered if I would run to a burning car and save a life. I think I would. Then I started thinking of “HERO” moments in my life and what I’ve done. What about you?
Tell us a story when you were a hero.
I am a hero right now because my sister has ovarian cancer. So I had her and my niece move in with me so she wouldn t have to worry about bills and stuff.
Today s show definitely had a bit of a theme, and that theme was heroes. First off, our Text Question of the Day was simply Tell us a story when you were a hero. We got some fantastic answers that really got us in the feels. And in addition to the #TQOTD, we also share some stories of other people in the news acting as heroes in their own way. Also on the show, Steve gets a little creepy during a Rando Texto that has to do with underwear, we break down last night s episode of America s Got Talent, and Naughty Mickey joins the show to talk about under-boob and $75 t-shirts. All of that and much more on today s show!