TerraPower, founded by Gates about 15 years ago, and power company PacifiCorp, owned by Warren Buffet s Berkshire Hathaway, said the exact site of the Natrium reactor demonstration plant is expected to be announced by the end of the year
Billionaire Bill Gates' advanced nuclear reactor company TerraPower LLC and PacifiCorp (PPWLO.PK) have selected Wyomingto launch the first Natrium reactor project on the site of a retiring coal plant, the state's governor said on Wednesday.
By Valerie Volcovici and Timothy Gardner WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Billionaire Bill Gates' advanced nuclear reactor company TerraPower LLC and PacifiCorp .
May. 3, 2021
In recent months, the global media has revealed how Pfizer reportedly demanded governments in COVID-afflicted Argentina and Brazil put up state assets, such as military bases and bank guarantees, as collateral against any potential legal action concerning its vaccine.
Aside from seeking a safety net against civil lawsuits, senior figures from both countries explained that the pharmaceutical giant was also seeking guarantees against any potential suits for damages caused by negligence, fraud or malice on the company’s part.
This is just one extreme example of the almost unlimited power allegedly in the hands of the few in private companies and businesspeople running the vaccine companies.