DC s Future State relaunch has undeniably been full of surprises, but the pages of Future State: Shazam! have been something else entirely. The two-issue miniseries has turned the dynamic between Billy Batson and his adult superhero counterpart on its head, and the end result has had dark and [.]
DC Makes Huge Change to Shazam! in Future State
There s definitely been a lot to take in with regards to DC s Future State, as the two-month publishing initiative has brought some significant new takes on characters that fans know and love. For Billy Batson/Shazam!, that mindset has gone into some interesting directions, as fans who have checked out Future State: Shazam! #1 have surely already seen. The miniseries first issue took a shocking approach to the very idea of Shazam! with consequences that could surely reverberate through the larger DC universe.
Spoilers for
Future State: Shazam! #1, from Tim Sheridan, Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, Marcelo Maiolo, and Rob Leigh below! Only look if you want to know!
What They Say:
In order to escape Mongul’s clutches, Wonder Woman and Artemis must put aside their differences and find a way to work together!
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
The concluding half of the story, Andrea Shea gets to dig right into things and just hits the ground running again. As much as I like multi-part stories, there’s something to be said for a good setup and then a good payoff in two issues. Here, they’re able to dig into some good character stuff while also putting on quite the action show. And thank goodness Bruno Redondo is on board here as this is just filled with gorgeous pages from the artist. Some of the best Wonder Woman pages I think I’ve seen in forever, quite frankly. The opening page, the fight that resumes, and just the time talking in the back half really delivers something that hits just right between the designs and Adriano Lucas’ excellent color work on the book. It’s just gorgeous.
What They Say:
Here comes Vandal-Savage, here comes Vandal-Savage, right down Vandal Savage laaaaaane (what? He’s immortal! How do we know Santa Claus isn’t based on him somehow?) That’s right, a specter from our boys’ adventure in the past comes searching for them in the present courtesy of the immortal Vandal Savage! Can the super sons defeat him before he deals a killing blow to their friend Rora? And how can they save the Justice League from the DOOM SCROLL if they’re locked in combat elsewhere?
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
What They Say:
Taken over by the god Yemaya, Vixen wages a battle of wills in order to take back her body. If she loses, Nyame will have everything he needs to bring the planet to its knees!
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
This storyline concludes with this issue, bringing things full circle while leaving a whole lot open for more to be explored later in a classic way. Geoffrey Thorne hasn’t won me over with this storyline as it felt a bit weirdly rushed and awkward early on and is trying to get too much done too quickly with a lot of pieces that aren’t too familiar, especially for more casual readers. The artwork on it from ChrisCross and Jordi Tarragona was pretty decent overall but what it was bringing to life didn’t have a strong weight in the story so it felt a little ill-defined in some ways in trying to figure out what it was attempting to accomplish. But it looked great in general and there were some really slick designs