Proposal for affordable housing, downtown Colorado Springs
Erin Chapman
and last updated 2021-04-22 00:19:22-04
COLORADO SPRINGS â As the cost of rent continues to climb in the city, so does the importance of offering more options for affordable housing. The opportunity to be in a house, that is affordable, in a beautiful city like Colorado Springs? I think that s a step in the right direction, said Kiran Pandit, neighbor.
Kiran Pandit has lived in a townhouse in the Lowell Neighborhood for almost seven years.
Right outside his door is the field that the city is currently looking at for a 280-unit affordable apartment complex.
The number of roundabouts we have is only going up, so it s time to learn how to use them properly
Traffic engineers say they re safer and more cost-effective
As our area continues to grow, traffic engineers have become more innovative as they design our roads, and the roundabout is one of those popular innovations weâre seeing pop up more and more.
and last updated 2021-04-17 23:22:56-04
COLORADO SPRINGS â As our area continues to grow, traffic engineers have become more innovative as they design our roads, and the roundabout is one of those popular innovations weâre seeing pop up more and more.
Statewide COVID-19 dial expires, many counties loosen restrictions
What s happening to COVID restrictions in southern Colorado
Colorado Department of Health and Public Environment
and last updated 2021-04-16 03:00:17-04
COLORADO SPRINGS â On Friday, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment will end the statewide COVID-19 dial and will hand over decisions about COVID restrictions to local agencies. The color-coded dial framework has been used since September to create a uniform set of rules regarding capacity limits businesses and employers across the state.
CPDHE Chief Medical Officer Dr. Eric France said several factors led to the decision to give more authority to local governments including:
Bill requiring gun owners to safely store firearms heading to Governor Polis
The second bill requires gun owners to use a trigger lock, or store their weapons in a safe when they know a child, or someone who should not be in possession of a gun, could otherwise easily get to it.
and last updated 2021-04-14 11:36:29-04
COLORADO SPRINGS â This week state lawmakers sent two bills to the governor s desk.
The first requires gun shops to provide metal gun locks with every purchase.
Something gun safety advocates fully support. There has to be a device that goes with the gun in case the person receiving it doesn t have it, said Dr. Michael Victoroff, Colorado Firearm Safety Coalition.