The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.
Coffee and Cream, 101 N. Front St., Columbia, April 2. Raw shell eggs stored above fruit and ham in the small cooling unit. Old food splatter on the underside of the milkshake mixer. Prepackaged chocolate espresso beans are not labeled properly with the ingredient statement and distributed by statement. Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration of the quaternary ammonia. The food facility does not have the original certificate for the certified food employee posted in public view. A working container of hand sanitizer and griddle cleaner were stored on the same shelf with food and single-service articles near the cooking area. Single-service, single-use articles (lids) stored beneath the plumbing of the hand-wash sink, a prohibited area. Food facility is using q
Todd Bemis turns the key to let himself into the theater that’s been a part of his soul for more than 40 years and walks a well-worn path he knows by heart as he flips switch after switch to bathe the darkened space in warm and comforting light.
He pauses at the top of the Palace’s grand staircase, looks up at the ceiling, glances at the floor and says to no one in particular: “Hmmm, I see some plaster dust. We’ll have to see about that.”
And then he descends and sits on the step near the bottom noting that it’s the very space where theater and film legend Mickey Rooney sat decades ago during a run here of “Sugar Babies” to kibbitz with volunteers before the show and within minutes, Bemis cries.