June 1, 2021 at 1:54 PM
JERSEY CITY, NJ - While the unseasonable weather may have caused the turn-out for the Memorial Day services in Pershing Field to be smaller than in past years, the ceremony that included a posting of colors by the color guard of Vietnam Veterans of American, the pledge of allegiance, and the reading of names that allowed visitors to place a rose on the memorial graves, was no less meaningful.
One by one, attendees strode up the paved path to the gravestone set in place as a tribute near the Pershing Field pavilion, placing red roses before it in tribute to loved ones. Some visitors paused to salute. Some touched the cool stone with the tips of their fingers. Others hurried away, choked with emotion.
Are We Honoring Our Military? - Pleasant Hill, CA - When we are stopping people from voting and we don't support the US Capital Police are we honoring the military? What are we teaching kids?
On Monday, Memorial Day was recognized throughout Fayette County with the Fayette County Honor Guard traveling to and taking part in three different local
Wellesley Island - Mr. Charles F. Singer Jr., 88, County Route 100, Fineview, died May 26th, at the Samaritan Summit Village, where he resided for the last month.