‘The Crew’: Kevin James NASCAR sitcom revs up with N.J.’s Jillian Mueller
Updated Feb 15, 2021;
Posted Feb 13, 2021
Jillian Mueller as Catherine Spencer in Netflix s The Crew. The role is her first major TV part after performing on Broadway since she was 12.Eric Liebowitz | Netflix
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As the understudy in Broadway’s “Pretty Woman,” Jillian Mueller didn’t often get to perform as Vivian Ward, Julia Roberts’ character from the movie.
But one day in 2019, just 10 minutes into a matinee, lead actress Samantha Barks got sick and ran offstage mid-song, bringing the show to a halt.
Mueller had 10 minutes to get dressed and take the stage.
by Carlito Pablo on December 10th, 2020 at 11:48 AM 1 of 1 2 of 1
The buyer of a home known as the Spencer House in West Vancouver acquired not only a beautiful property.
The purchaser also obtained a piece of history.
The Spencer House is one of the oldest remaining homes in West Vancouver.
It’s about as old as the North Shore city, which was incorporated as a municipality in 1912.
On December 3 this year, the Spencer House sold for $6,025,000.
The residence is included in the community heritage register prepared for West Vancouver by the Commonwealth Historic Resource Management in 2008.
Here’s register’s statement of significance for the 2089 Westdean Crescent property: