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Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 120)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Streamed February 3, 2021 on Fubo Sports, Pluto TV, and MLW’s YouTube Page
Fusion opened with a recap of the Alex Hammerstone vs. Mads Krugger feud… The Fusion opening aired… The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Saint Laurent. Bocchini ran through the lineup and then they went to the ring for the opening match…
1. Jordan Oliver (w/Myron Reed) vs. Sentai Death Squad member (w/Daivari). A Reed promo aired before the match. He challenged any two members of Contra to face him and Oliver in a tag match. Oliver dominated the match and leapt from the middle rope and hit a Cutter that led to him scoring the clean pin…
University of Michigan professor joins FDA medical device security team
Meredith Bruckner, Community News Producer, All About Ann Arbor
Kevin Fu is an associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at U-M. (University of Michigan)
ANN ARBOR – University of Michigan computer science researcher Kevin Fu has joined the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health as acting director of medical device cybersecurity.
His work will contribute to ongoing efforts by the FDA to ensure the safety and effectiveness of insulin pups, pacemakers, hospital imaging machines and other electronic medical devices.
During his 12-month post, he will help manufacturers guard medical devices from cybersecurity threats and help bridge the gap between computer science and medicine.
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Editor’s Note: POLITICO Pulse is a free version of POLITICO Pro Health Care s morning newsletter, which is delivered to our subscribers each morning at 6 a.m. The POLITICO Pro platform combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories.
New strains set in to Covid-19 plans, lingo
Presented by CVS Health
On Tap
as WHO discusses terminology and the U.S. braces for surges. A plea to providers: Stop stockpiling shots.
Federal officials urge providers to move second doses. States struggle with vaccine disparities
in bumpy coronavirus shot rollouts.
It’s Tuesday, welcome back to Prescription Pulse. Important question: How is it already February? Explain the passage of time and send me pharma tips at [email protected] or @owermohle. Loop in David Lim ([email protected] or @davidalim) and Brianna Ehley ([email protected] or @briannaehley).
A message from CVS Health: