Library hosting national premier of ‘Black Men in White Coats’
XENIA The Greene County Public Library is hosting the national premier of a new documentary, Black Men in White Coats, with a three-day screening Sunday, Feb. 21 through Tuesday, Feb. 23, followed by a panel discussion on Wednesday, Feb. 24.
Founded in 2013, the Black Men in White Coats organization’s mission is to increase the number of black men in the field of medicine by exposure, inspiration, and mentoring, according to a release from the library. The new documentary chronicles the journey of black men in medicine and, as well, explores the issues facing black boys in pursuing a career in medicine.
The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to delays in preventative cancer screenings. The delays could lead to cancers detected at a later stage and a rise in
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The Big Idea
When Covid-19 started sweeping the United States a year ago, many radiology practices
shut down almost immediately. Much of their work from mammograms to lung cancer screening wasn’t deemed a priority as the mysterious new virus spread. And telemedicine wasn’t an option; radiologic imaging must be done in person.