Follow me on Instagram here. Make sure you follow Collective Evolution on Telegram as we have no idea how much longer we will be on Facebook. What Happened: Elon Musk recently made an appearance on the Joe Rogan show and there was a brief discussion about the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon between the two. Collective Evolution has been covering the phenomenon, […]
The Facts:
Data from the CDC s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) shows, as of today, 653 deaths reported after administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. It also shows 208 permanent disabilities and more than 10,000 adverse events, mostly in the U.S.
Reflect On:
Should private institutions/companies have the right to mandate this vaccine for people and employees? When it comes to vaccines, should freedom of choice remain? Why is only one perspective presented by mainstream media?
Before you begin.
Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this.
Before you begin.
Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this.
We are having a New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th throughout most of the world and in the morning hours of the 12th in the countries further East. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned throughout this article will be more prominent over the following two weeks. This cycle will include a Full Moon in Virgo on February 26th/27th.
The Facts:
A publication in the British College of Psychic Science from 1930 documents the abilities Lotte Plaat. She was a Psychometrist, thus having the ability to obtain information about a person based on an object that was/is associated with that person.
Reflect On:
With so many documented examples of people with paranormal abilities, why are these abilities always studied at the highest levels of government in black budget programs yet shunned by mainstream academia?
Before you begin.
Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this.
: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, so I apologize if you’ve come across me saying it already. Today we have what seems to be a digital authoritarian Orwellian “fact-checker” patrolling the internet telling people what is and what isn’t. This does not imply that there isn’t a wealth of “fake news” and information out there, but should people not have the right to look at information openly and transparently and decide for themselves what is and what isn’t? Are people really that “dumb” to the point where we need Big Tech to step in and tell us what is true and what isn’t? This is a problem, especially given the fact that many issues are not so black and white. It also brings in the issue of corruption, and the ability of Big Tech to control the perception of the masses on various issues, be it political or something else. A big concern being raised is the idea that these companies who have been granted the ability to tell us ‘what i