Qualcomm recently released the flagship 5G processor, Snapdragon 888 SoC. This chip will be targetting the Chinese market. Qualcomm even had to name this device “888” because the number is a “lucky number” in China. According to UniverseIce, the power consumption of the Snapdragon 888 processor is excellent. According to hi, the power consumption is comparable to the Snapdragon 835 SoC. Furthermore, he also claims that SD888 GPU performance exceeds expectations. Unfortunately, there are no specific figures to back up these claims.
Currently, Snapdragon 888 has been adopted by 14 mobile phone brands. This is obviously putting Taiwanese chipmaker, MediaTek, under pressure, and it has to respond. According to reports, during the IEEE Global Communications Conference, MediaTek CEO, Cai Lixing, revealed that the company’s latest 5G flagship chip will arrive before the Chinese New Year.