This book examines the notions of waves, particles and forces and gives a complete conceptual explanation of Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model of particle physics. It addresses all readers seeking a deep understanding of the theory without delving into the detailed mathematics.
It is not sexist to avoid calling Jill Biden Doctor Biden in situations where her doctorate is not relevant. Almost nobody says Doctor Albert Einstein, Doctor Stephen Hawking, Doctor Marie Curie, Doctor Emmy Noether does that make those people who “refuse” to call them doctor antisemitic, ableist, or sexist? If I simply refer to Doctor Richard Feynman as Richard Feynman am, I dis respecting him? No one has ever said that about any of those towering historical figures in the fields of
theoretical and experimental physics. The most fundamental of the sciences and acknowledged as being one of the great mental challenges, an intellectual mount Everest that never ends. Yet this week we are told on social media it is sexist to not pedantically, repeatedly, and without fail refer to Dr. Jill Biden Ed. D. as “Doctor Biden”.
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill., Dec. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ International attendees exchanged scientific developments and discoveries during the successful online Conference Series on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, founded and hosted by Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Engineering s Albert Luo, PhD, distinguished research professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering.
Held in late November, the virtual conference series presented an opportunity for acclaimed researchers like Luo to present on fundamental and frontier theories and techniques for modern science and technology, stimulate research interest, and share new knowledge with the next generation of researchers, engineers and technologists.
The conference featured six plenary talks, five award presentations, 15 invited talks and 91 presentations from 31 countries, including Russia, China, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and more. Topics