20 December 2020, 12:17 pm EST By
A new massive hack affected thousands of people! The hackers used emulators to copy their victims devices and steal millions of dollars from their online bank accounts.
IBM Trusteer researchers discovered the new massive fraud operation. The security experts said that the attack s scale was unlike anything they have seen for the past few years. The attackers used around 20 emulators to mimic more than 16,000 smartphones.
The devices belonged to mobile bank customers. Security researchers added that cyber criminals were able to spoof more than 8,100 devices using a single emulator.
How the hackers pulled off the large breach
16 December 2020, 5:31 am EST By
SolarWinds was allegedly attacked by Russian hackers. The recent attack was a big deal since it is one of the largest software providers.
However, the giant company claimed that no other products were affected in the previous security breach. SolarWinds said on Tuesday, Dec. 17, that they were not able to find other products containing malicious codes similar to the one they identified in the Orian platform.
According to ZDNet s latest report, the company made its assertion after it carried out an internal audit of all its applications. SolarWinds conducted the audit after news outlets reported on Sunday, Dec. 13, that Russian state-sponsored cyber criminals attacked the company s internal network.
13 December 2020, 4:40 am EST By
Security researchers found a new scheme that hackers are currently using to increase ransom pressure. They discovered that these cybercriminals are calling the users once they hacked their accounts.
Who would not be nervous if someone calls you and tells you that your account has been hacked? There are many ways you can protect your accounts.
Many security providers are releasing additional layers of protection for your sensitive personal information. You can also back up your files in case the hackers use encryption.
However, cyber attackers nowadays are evolving and using different techniques that are effective. They also have different methods on how to bypass any security protection that you use on your accounts.